Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Why you will not get injured in my class . . . the wisdom of
Scaravelli Inspired Yoga (SIYoga)

I teach and practice movement using the principles of Scaravelli-Inspired Yoga. One of the key concepts of this approach – which is more a process of learning - is the un-doing of tension in
all yoga postures.

Other key concepts include:  feeling and surrendering to the force of gravity, finding support through your bones by sensing your inner landscape, allowing the breath to lead you into the pose, encouraging more space in and around the joints and liberating the spine so that it can move freely in any direction.

In a SIYoga classes, the asana (postures/poses) are done with the wisdom of your body in mind at all times. There is no reason to push the body past its limits since this is not the aim of this approach. As we practice in this way, continually noticing our inner workings, we may find a few places where our joints have lost their way. Some might be poorly seated in their sockets. Others may not be articulating in an optimal way or have full range of motion. Some might be achy or have a bit of pain that was present before we started to practice yoga. 

Along your movement journey you may experience what I fondly call “Joint Evolutions”.  It is important to recognize that pain does not necessarily indicate an injury. Pain is a signal – a messenger – and it is our job to find out what it’s trying to tell us. Signs that a joint is experiencing an evolution may be mild to not so mild discomfort as the joint re-learns how to be in a more natural, spacious and open alignment. These temporarily uncomfortable sensations will fade as we continue to inform our joints with consistent yoga and movement practice. Assuming there is no structural limitation in the way of this evolution (requiring medical evaluation), the joints begin to experience more comfort as we practice and go about our daily lives. It is a good idea during this transition period to get the care you need and tend to any discomfort by getting chiropractic adjustments or massage therapy or whatever therapies work for you.

My own movement journey has included several joint evolutions. My wrists, hips, spine, knees and feet all had their turn getting healthier and becoming better seated in their housing. During these times of change I was patient with myself. Any fears I had were soothed by the knowledge that I had done nothing to cause any injury to my joints. I felt the underlying benefits of my practice in my body – even with the various aches and pains – and that encouraged me to keep going. It has been worth it for me to stick with it, as I was attempting to create a consistent, lifelong movement practice. After receiving care from my go-to therapists, in most cases I saw the pain fade in only a week or two. Some joints had a multi-phase evolution as they eventually reached their optimal positions.

If you have any concerns about pain anywhere in your body, please don’t hesitate to seek evaluation from a health care professional. Yoga can be challenging for the body. It could be something – it could be nothing – but do get answers to your questions. 

            “Elongation and extension can only occur when all the
                  pulling and the pushing stop.”                - Vanda Scaravelli 

            “Strength that has effort in it is not what you need – you need 
                          strength that is the result of ease.”         - Ida Rolf

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